Photography: My Experience
Since I first had access to disposable cameras, point-and-shoots, and eventually smartphones, photography felt second nature. As a kid, snapping photos of household objects and employing barebone instinctual technique felt as normal as practicing multiplication tables. Though for the longest time I never thought of it as a form of artistry, it was not long before taking photos and playing with old cameras was vastly more enjoyable, engaging, and natural than most other activities. Eventually, I would come to discover photography as the art it truly is. Finding youtube creators such as Peter McKinnon and Pierre Lambert pushed me to find the art in simple scenes, and I began to develop real technique. From learning the rule of thirds on an iPhone 6, developing an editing style using an archaic Nikon DSLR, to eventually developing an understanding of film and an eye for fine art photography, the process of honing my skills has been nothing but enthralling.
In recent years, I have worked to push myself outside of my comfort zone, shooting subjects I never expected to. Driving this has been my growing appreciation for photography greats. Studying the likes of Henri Cartier-Bresson, Tyler Sheilds, Ansel Adams, and Vivian Maier has kept me inspired. Today, my passion for the medium and my determination to improve have never been stronger. In my recent work in private and commercial photography, I’ve come to realize that on top of personal artistic gratification, photography as a gift to others, photography as a supplement to our emotions and memories, is one of the most impactful art forms to exist. Below are examples of various works I have assembled through this creative journey that is photography.