Videography: My Personal Experience
My interest in videography stems from a childhood filled to the brim with classic movies, VHS recorders, and the desire to pursue “truth at 24 frames a second”. When I was 7, I would constantly pester my Mom, asking to borrow her iPhone 3G which I would use to create Lego stop motion films. A year later, I found myself with an idea for a movie, scripting out the first few scenes and forcing my begrudging friends to try their hands at acting. I directed from behind the lens of an archaic handheld camcorder that I had received as a hand-me-down from my older brother, and tried my best to imitate shots from movies I had seen. My brother was more than just a source of slightly outdated technology. Some of my fondest memories are him coming home from film school to show me his video projects and talk about his acting classes.
My interest eventually waned as my creative energy shifted to support my love for music, but I never lost my everlasting fascination with the art form. Through my teens, I worked here and there creating online course material for friends of mine. I also began carefully examining the technical side of videography and found mentorship online: the greatest resource any of us have. Now my care for film as a medium has never been stronger. I work for various companies as a video content creator, provide private contracting work, and when I can, I work on honing my skills through personal projects. Below are a few examples of the various types of work I have done.

Brand Social-Media Content
Low-budget cinematic tik-toks, reels, and filler content made to attract new eyes and developed brand image

Personal Creative Projects
Fun-first projects written, directed, and shot with the purpose of developing practical filmmaking skills and creative ability.