

Music: My Experience

My passion captivates all forms of artistry. Whether it be photography, videography, writing, or even my untrained hand at sketching, creative forms of expression are what drive me. However, when push comes to shove, camera, pad and pen, and books will all be cast aside for an old guitar, violin, or piano. Some of my most fundamental memories are attentively listening to music as a baby, belting out folk tunes as a toddler, and beginning my formal musical training at the age of 6.

For well over a decade, the majority of my creative energy has gone toward developing skills playing violin and guitar, as well as an extensive understanding of a wide variety of musical genres. I began classical violin “Suzuki” training at 6. I enthusiastically learned my minuets for a year before a deeply rooted love of Americana music prompted a switch to a unique style known as “Texas-Style Fiddle”. This music was not only a deeply enthralling outlet for me, but proved to be the most prominent institution of my adolescent development. Every few months as a child I remember traveling the US to various competitions and festivals for this music. All my lessons on self improvement, social dynamics, trust, betrayal, self esteem, respect, and communication were learned by competing at state championships or camping with friends at week long international festivals. I eventually began a self-taught study of guitar. Learning the backup form of the same “Texas-Style Fiddle”, and eventually expanded to scrape the surface of swing, country, and rock genres. Throughout my childhood, I played western music gatherings, private parties, and busked endless hours at foot malls. I took immense pride in sharing the thing I am most passionate about.

Although in recent years my creative force has split to support other developing passions, my love for playing music is ever endless. Today, I work whenever I can to further my ability as a musician. Recently I’ve found great interest in developing my jazz violin playing, my understanding of music theory, and my ability to write and sing original pieces. Although professionally the musician’s life is not quite for me, developing a performing act, a portfolio of recorded music, and acting as a teacher are top priorities in my life.

